Aquatic Bioresource Research Lab
Aquatic Bioresource Research Lab (ABR Lab) was established in 2013 at the Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
The mission of ABR Lab is to carry out quality research in the field of..
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Prof. Dr. Kazi Ahsan Habib
Aquatic Bioresource Research Lab (ABR Lab)
News & Blog

ABR Lab published a new identification book for Reef Fishes of Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh
The book ‘Reef Fishes of Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh: An identification book with DNA barcodes’ is the first book exclusively devoted to the coral-associated and rocky reef fishes of Bangladesh containing clear photographs with information on the habitats, distribution, key taxonomic features, DNA barcodes and global conservation status of 141 species of 55 families found in Saint Martin’s Island. Among.....

A new marine fish species (Glaucostegus younholeei; Bangladeshi guitarfish) discovered by ABRLab
Glaucostegus younholeei (Bangladeshi guitarfish), a new marine fish species discovered in Bangladesh Researchers from Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University have discovered a formerly unknown species of fish from Cox’s Bazar coast of the Bay of Bengal. A team from the university's Aquatic Bioresource Research Lab discovered the new-to-science fish. Known as 'Pitambori' by local anglers, the fish has been named Glaucostegus younholeei.....

Bangladesh is more rich in fish diversity
Bangladesh is more rich in fish diversity Bengali in fish and rice — this proverb is enough to highlight the abundance of fish in Bangladesh. According to the United Nations, Bangladesh ranked third in the world in freshwater fish production last year. But still, dissatisfaction remains. Because Bangladesh was far behind in the diversity of fish species. However, that dissatisfaction.....

A new species of Damselfish discovered by ABR Lab from Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh
Pomacentrus bangladeshius, a new species of damselfish (Perciformes, Pomacentridae) from Saint Martin's Island, Bangladesh Researchers from Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University have discovered a formerly unknown species of fish from St Martin's Island. A team from the university's Aquatic Bioresource Research Lab discovered the new-to-science fish known as 'Pettoli' by local anglers, the fish has been named Pomacentrus Bangladeshius (Bengal demoiselle). Project.....

ABR Lab Researchers Have discovered five new species from the Sundarbans, Bangladesh
Researchers of ABR Lab have discovered 4 newly recorded species from the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. More importantly, they have also discovered a new species of Chelonodon genus. Their discovery has been featured in Prothom Alo (the most popular national newspaper of the country). ProthomAlo
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