Reef Fishes of Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh: An identification book with DNA barcodes
The book ‘Reef Fishes of Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh: An identification book with DNA barcodes’ is the first book exclusively devoted to the coral-associated and rocky reef fishes of Bangladesh containing clear photographs with information on the habitats, distribution, key taxonomic features, DNA barcodes and global conservation status of 141 species of 55 families found in Saint Martin’s Island. Among.....

Underwater Citizens of Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh
Coral reefs have the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem on the planet, even more than a tropical rainforest. Occupying less than one percent of the ocean floor, coral reefs are home to more than twenty-five percent of marine life. Saint Martin’s Island (SMI) is the only island of Bangladesh where coral colonies are found. The amazing colorful creatures of SMI.....

Best Practices to Release Sawfish from Nets and Hooks into the Sea (in Bangla)
জাল-বড়শি থেকে সাগরে করাত মাছ ছাড়ার আদব কায়দা Sawfish releasing guidebook for Cox’s Bazar type boats and trawlers in Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. The guidebook has been developed based on local knowledge of the veteran fishers coupled with best practices from around the world. This virtual guidebook will be helpful to train young artisanal fishers and newly recruited trawl crews.....

Tuni and Irrawaddy
Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest of the world, is a transition zone between the freshwater of the Ganges river and the saline water of the Bay of Bengal, composing a large assemblage of unrivaled aquatic biodiversity. The forest was designated as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1997. This story-based informative book is written highlighting the fisheries & animal resources.....

Training Manual on Advanced Hatchery Management & Culture System of Guzi Air Fish (in Bangla)
গুজি আইড় মাছের পোনা উৎপাদন ও চাষ ব্যবস্থাপনা । গুলশা মাছের উন্নত হ্যাচারি ও চাষ ব্যবস্থাপনা বিষয়ক প্রশিক্ষণ ম্যানুয়েল Read this book: Training Manual on Advanced Hatchery Management & Culture System of Guzi Air Fish (in Bangla)
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